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Location- Austin, Texas, US

Job description :

As an aerodynamics researcher, you will be part of an elite research team that focuses on the development and improvement of aerodynamics parts, surfaces, and systems of our products and upcoming products. Advances and innovation from this team will direct and navigate the future of the whole aviation and propulsion system industry. We encourage this team's members to develop their disruptive and groundbreaking ideas. And we will make these ideas into real solutions for the betterment of the world.

Core responsibilities :

    • Research project planning and management
    • Innovation Exploration
    • IP development and implementation
    • Project validation, technical validation, and project governance
    • Disruptive solutions ideation
    • Communicating with multi-domain teams

Qualifications/Requirements :

    • Aerospace Engineering or Similar -
(Bachelor’s degree and 8 years of experience OR  
Advanced Degree and 5 years of experience)

    • Program management skill-set, vision, innovation, and research management activities experience in any of these specialized fields -
    • Turbomachinery
    • High Speed flows
    • Turbulence
    • Flow mixture
    • Thermodynamics
    • Flow diagnostics
    • Flow augmentation
    • Systems Design
    • Turbine module or Hot Section
    • Hydrodynamics

Desired Characteristics :

   • Strong interpersonal skills
    • Lead initiatives of moderate scope and impact
    • Quicker problem solving and implementation
    • Proven analytical and organizational ability
    • Technical background in Aerospace/Aviation
    • Ability to manage work priorities on a day-to-day basis to meet overall team, functional, and research priorities

Eligibility Requirements :

    • Legal authorization to work in the U.S. is required. We will not sponsor individuals for employment visas, now or in the future, for this job opening. QHE engines will only employ those who are legally authorized to work in the United States for this.
    •  This role is restricted to U.S. persons (i.e., U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and other protected individuals under the Immigration and Naturalization Act, 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3)) due to access to export-controlled technology. QHE engines will require proof of status before employment.
    • Any offer of employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of a drug screen (as applicable).


Security Clearance​
Level – Secret (Civilian products)

Level- Top secret (Military and advanced products)

Hybrid working
Our hybrid work structures and only on-demand facility/site visitation requirement are tailor-made for your work-life balance

Our benefits :

Life insurance
Private medical cover
Convertible holidays
and Many more …

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We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, protected veteran status, or other characteristics protected by law.

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